Suppose you could instantly access all the secrets, tools and resources you need to create all the bookings you want. At fees much higher than you are currently earning. Imagine earning as much as you want, doing what you love to do. Waking up in your own bed each morning - or in whatever city in the world you choose to perform in. Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn't if you have the right planning tools, marketing knowledge and contact information."secrets of A Millionaire Magician" is a comprehensive guide to profitable marketing strategies and business tips, boiled down into a complete step-by-step system.
With Randy's system, you'll discover simple and inexpensive marketing methods, complete contact information for lucrative venues, and various methods to increase your income.
Suppose you could instantly access all the secrets, tools and resources you need to create all the bookings you want. At fees much higher than you are currently earning. Imagine earning as much as you want, doing what you love to do. Waking up in your own bed each morning - or in whatever city in the world you choose to perform in. Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn't if you have the right planning tools, marketing knowledge and contact information."secrets of A Millionaire Magician" is a comprehensive guide to profitable marketing strategies and business tips, boiled down into a complete step-by-step system.
With Randy's system, you'll discover simple and inexpensive marketing methods, complete contact information for lucrative venues, and various methods to increase your income.