Early Harlan CU Magic of Dan Harlan, DVD

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Dan Harlan is well known as an extremely creative magician who has released some of the best selling products in the history of magic. His Cardtoon, Missing Think, Hover Card are just some of the routines that have become classics. On this DVD Dan performs and teaches many of the routines that he created when he broke into the scene and used to fool and entertain magicians.

The DVD features original magic with cards, coins, silverware, pencils, magic markers, business cards, ropes, bills, Linking Rings, and newspapers.

Routines performed and explained:

  • Capper Silver: A multiphase routine where a coin continuously vanishes and is found inside the cap of a magic marker.

  • Off-Beat Flyers: A surprising coins across routine where three coins vanish from one hand and appear under startling conditions.

  • Business Sense: A magical way of presenting your business card. You write a prediction on a business card, which the spectator holds. The spectator names a number of objects as they are written on your business cards. One of the business cards is selected and the object written on it matches your prediction.

  • Auto Suspension: An impromptu method of balancing a deck of cards on the back of your fingers.

  • Quick Cutaway: A selected card is found by magically making the rest of the deck vanish as you pretend to cut to it.

  • Colorful Circus: A selected card turns out to have an odd colored back which leads into a sucker ending to surprise all.

  • Old Speller: A thought-of card is named and spelled to in a small packet. The card spelled to turns out to be the Ace of Spades with all the other cards being picture cards.

  • Nightmare's End: The classic Professor's Nightmare with a visual ending where the three equal lengths instantly turn back to three different lengths.

  • Newsline: A spectator selects a line in a newspaper column that has been previously predicted.

  • Now UZ It: A pencil is pushed through an initialed and browed bill that is also apparently torn and then restored.

  • Soft Silverware: A multiphase routine where a borrowed spoon bends, folds, vanishes and reproduced.

  • A Case of Color Blindness: A two-deck color changing deck routine with a gambling theme where the aces' backs change colors many times and finally the decks change color.

  • Ring Around The Ropesy: A linking ring routine that transforms to a linking ropes routine -- one ring to loop at a time. Features many new moves with ropes and rings.

  • Tame Cards: An ace of hearts is used to change six jokers into duplicates of itself.

There is something for every taste in close-up magic on this DVD. Running time: Approximately 110 minutes.