Backstabber trick Ton Onosaka

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  • Regular price $15.00

"Have you ever taken a good look at the king of hearts? He's sometimes referred to as the 'suicide king' because he appears to be stabbing himself in the head with a sword. However, on closer examination you can see that the swords are actually positioned behind the king." With this introduction the performer begins an offbeat effect.

The king of hearts is set aside, and a spectator selects two cards from the balance of the pack. However, when the king is turned over instead of the normal card back that was there before, now there's a view of the king from behind-and it's seen that the swords are skewering two miniature cards: the selections!

Comes complete with detailed instructions and the necessary cards specially printed on Bicycle stock, plus two extra gimmicks for times when you'd like to perform the effect with just one selection