Bullseye by Brent Braun - DVD

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  • Regular price $15.00

So there you are hanging out in a pool hall or a pub, when someone wants to see something amazing. Never the type to disappoint, you have them select and sign a card. Then they shuffle it back into the deck.

With no idea where the card is, casually you walk over to the dart board, with the shuffled deck in one hand and a dart in the other. The cards are tossed into the air. The dart is thrown through the cards were it sticks into the dart board, with a little something special... their signed card!

  • No special decks
  • No special darts or dart boards
  • No palming
  • No stooges or assistants
  • Easy to do
  • Works every time
  • No dart board required
  • Pin the card to a tree, a wall or the neighbors cat.
  • Learn to do it close-up or on stage.

    Read what others are saying about BULLSEYE

    "I love this .. it is practical ... not very difficult. and the effect on the audience is crushing" -Doc Eason

    "I kicked myself when I saw how easy this was!" -Mike Eaton

    "You've outdone yourself on this one" -Bob Escher

    "The method is very clever and so easy" -Shane

    "This is a killer trick!" -Frank Deville

    Running Time Approximately 37min