School for Scoundrels at the Senior Pitchman's Reunion - DVD

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  • Regular price $35.00

What would it be worth to spend just ten to fifteen minutes with each of seventeen of the most experienced and successful pitchmen alive today?

The information, stories, and advice that is on this two disc (nearly 3 hour) set is invaluable to anyone in sales. You will learn how these diverse personalities applied proven sales techniques to build their fortunes. They will teach you the pitchman's formula for constructing any kind of sales pitch, known as AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) as well as how to use your voice and body movement to influence and motivate your audience.

This also applies to any performer who needs to know how to call and hold a crowd, forge agreement with the spectators and sell them on a product or an idea, or get them to do what you want them to do. Ideal for Street Performers as well as Trade Show sales entertainers anyone who needs to stand in front of a group, gain and hold attention, and sell an idea or product.

This is entertaining, enlightening and engaging material from the top people in the field. If you have ever wanted to do a demo or sell a product of any kind, including your own act or if you just want to learn how to talk in front of people and motivate them, this is a gold mine.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from many of the finest and most experienced pitchmen in the world. Funny and enlightening stories, as well as the wisdom of years of experience from this tight-knit and fascinating fraternity.

Seventeen men and women, --many multi-millionaires and all extremely knowledgeable sales experts--talk about their lives and experiences and their love for their craft, and about the techniques of demonstrating and selling a product and what it takes to be successful as a pitchman.

Many of these people you may recognize from their ubiquitous television infomercials. They are the experts of the Knife Pitch (including the creator of the Ginzu Knife), the Svengali Deck and the Mouse Pitch, the Medicine Show, and of the Pen and the Watch Pitch, the sellers of Slicers, Dicers, and Graters, the amazing Jam Auction and all the other great live and televised pitches which have been so successful all over the world for the last hundred years.

But wait, there's more! We also include a bonus disc, a Pitchman and Jam Auction Forum with S. David Walker, Jerry Spalding, and Don Driver, --another solid hour of important information and fascinating stores. Nearly four hours of information on the pitch and the jam!

Disc One Running Time Approximately 1hr 28min
Disc Two Running Time Approximately 1hr 21min
Disc Three Running Time Approximately 63min