Crossroads Devil's Peek set in USPCC stock (with instructions) by Ben Harris - Trick

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  • Regular price $10.00

TWO CARDS, 8 CORNERS - EIGHT REVEALS This LIMITED EDITION set reduces a deck to just 2 physical cards within the Crossroads framework. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITED EDITION SET. Printed by USPCC.

So, WHAT IS THE Devil's Peek Set?

Designed by BEN HARRIS for his own personal routine, "Devil at The Crossroads" this set of TWO CARDS carries an aged "Crossraods" back design (same as used in the iphone application) and features the Crossroads Set of card indexes at the four corners of each card.


Again, as with the D/F Set, this was referenced, but not fully fleshed out in the original Crossroads Book. This is an opportunity to share the fully developed routine with you.

The instructions should be considered an ADDITIONAL CHAPTER to the Crossroads book, and they are in fact printed using the same font and design so you can slip this set of instructions into the back cover of the printed volume. Starting with the basics, the instructions lead you through single and twin card reveals BEFORE dealing with presentations and specific handlings. The material is situational, due to the manner of the reveal, "a peek" in all instances. This makes the material, with it's intimate and compelling story-line, best suited for one-on-one (or small group situations).

Note: This is not a stand alone effect. The original Crossroads product is required.