A supernaturally amazing mindreading effect with the celebrated TWILIGHT book series
Meld with any mind and
see with the eyes of another
Anywhere the spectator opens the book, you can read his mind with your supernatural-seeming powers of mentalism.
Use ANY U.S. edition of ANY or ALL of the Twilight series!
The books are ungimmicked...you can borrow them!
Perform with a single book or all four volumes
Works with paperback and hardbound editions
The cueing gimmicks are built into natural, everyday objects
Simple to learn and perform
No memorization, no counting, nothing written down
Perform it anywhere, close-up, street, or stage
Perfect for romantic audiences, teenagers, and vampires
You can repeat the effect immediately
Gimmicks indicate blank pages and chapter openings
Includes full-color instructions and all gimmicks...you supply the books, or borrow them!
Meld with any mind and see with the eyes of another as you bring your audiences the adventure and romance of the incredibly popular Twilight book series! Undead is an ungimmicked book test with a very natural, simple method. A spectator chooses one of the books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn), opens it to any page, and begins reading silently. With no further questions, you give the spectator a vivid reading of a major word he's reading.
We've distilled the most interesting word of the first line of every page in every one of the Twilight books...you'll know it instantly and right in front of the volunteer's eyes. No matter which book is chosen or where it's opened, you'll mind-meld with your volunteer and dramatically reveal the word and its imagery.
Easy to learn and perform, instantly repeatable, and the gimmicks even help you avoid awkward situations by letting you know immediately if the spectator has chosen a blank page or chapter opening!
Comes complete with full-color instructions and all necessary elements. Use any U.S. copy of the Twilight books...or borrow them!
Meld with any mind and
see with the eyes of another
Anywhere the spectator opens the book, you can read his mind with your supernatural-seeming powers of mentalism.
Use ANY U.S. edition of ANY or ALL of the Twilight series!
The books are ungimmicked...you can borrow them!
Perform with a single book or all four volumes
Works with paperback and hardbound editions
The cueing gimmicks are built into natural, everyday objects
Simple to learn and perform
No memorization, no counting, nothing written down
Perform it anywhere, close-up, street, or stage
Perfect for romantic audiences, teenagers, and vampires
You can repeat the effect immediately
Gimmicks indicate blank pages and chapter openings
Includes full-color instructions and all gimmicks...you supply the books, or borrow them!
Meld with any mind and see with the eyes of another as you bring your audiences the adventure and romance of the incredibly popular Twilight book series! Undead is an ungimmicked book test with a very natural, simple method. A spectator chooses one of the books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn), opens it to any page, and begins reading silently. With no further questions, you give the spectator a vivid reading of a major word he's reading.
We've distilled the most interesting word of the first line of every page in every one of the Twilight books...you'll know it instantly and right in front of the volunteer's eyes. No matter which book is chosen or where it's opened, you'll mind-meld with your volunteer and dramatically reveal the word and its imagery.
Easy to learn and perform, instantly repeatable, and the gimmicks even help you avoid awkward situations by letting you know immediately if the spectator has chosen a blank page or chapter opening!
Comes complete with full-color instructions and all necessary elements. Use any U.S. copy of the Twilight books...or borrow them!