Repertoire Vol. 1 by Ben Williams - Book

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This is the first installment of my repertoire series. Repertoire is exactly what it sounds like, my working repertoire. These are the effects I use all the time, they are practical and have a great impact on the spectators.

Here is a list of effects and descriptions:

HEARTLESS - The pips from a selected card appear in a burst of flames, leaving the spectators card heartless.

D.B.I.B. - This is an invisible/brainwave type effect in which any named card is shown to have a different coloured back to the rest of the deck. No Rough and Smooth.

IMITATE 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.3 - These are a selection of transposition effects between a coin and a piece of a spectator's selected card.

YOUR CARD MY MOUTH - My take on the card to mouth plot with a twist. With built in misdirection for the load making it w winner for every situation.

STEAL - This is my handling on an old use of a card box. Allowing for an extremely fair selection and shuffling process where the spectator does 99% of the handling of the cards and an equally fair replacement into the card box yet at any moment you can steal the card into your possesion, this opens up the doors for some iron clad test conditions handlings with maximum magic effect as a payoff.

I DUB THEE - This is one of the best mentalism effects I perform with cards. A specator writes down the name of someone close to them and someone else selects a card. Inside your wallet you have an envelope, inside that is a single playing card with a different back design to the deck you are working with. It is the spectator's selected card, on the back of the card there is a name written, the freely thought of name.

I DUB THEE MENTAL - This is my handling for I Dub Thee that doesn't require a deck of playing cards, this is a routine of principles that culminates in a prediction being found in your wallet with a freely chosen item and name predicted. I have lots of ideas to make this a truely memorable and AMAZINGLY ACCURATE predcition.

WATCH MY PREDICTIONS - In this routine you manage to predict a spectator's selection and to prove it you show you had a corner from a duplicate selection taped to the back of your watch-face. When asked if you can repeat this feat a second selection is selected and again you prove it to be taped to the back of your watch-face. Of course this is 100% examinable the tape won't peel off.

YOUR CARD - This effect is as direct as it is amazing for lay people. It is a commercial piece of magic that is perfect for customizing to any situation. A selected card is signed and replaced in the centre of the deck. Some words are written on a piece of paper which is lit and bursts into flames. The deck is spread and one card has changed colour and has the same words written across its back in big black letters. It is turned over and it is the signed card.

CHAIN 1.0 - 1.2 - This is a signed linking card effect. Two cards are selected and signed, these can be free selections. These have the centres torn from them and they are linked together. This isn't an illusion of a link, they are linked like a chainlink. These are unlinked and the card rings can be handed out and inspected or even kept by the spectator. Chain 1.2 is the same effects but the signatures on both cards are seen before, during and after the effect occurs.

These are direct routines that you don't need to be a master card worker to pull off, but they are strong routines in any laypersons eyes.

Pages: 32 - Color pictures - Saddle Stitched - 8" x 6"