The Perfect way for Mentalists and Psychic Entertainers to add readings to their offerings and maintain it as JUST entertainment. A Unique product that you can also use with your favorite Bizzarre or mentalism routines AND which allows you a license to create as many decks, extra or special cards and more for your own use WITH NOTHING EXTRA TO BUY!
Many of you do mentalism or psychic entertainment and many of those have enjoyed our DVDs on the subject of doing readings as entertainment. As one reviewer pointed out, this is not for everyone and if it is not for you then skip it. On the other hand, if you have always WISHED it were for you, but could not find a method of reading that you were comfortable with, and if you this might be JUST what you are looking for...
The Machine Oracle is basically a work of fabulous fiction. The deck has a history, it has a theory behind it, but it is pure show business. We have woven into the deck an easy to remember set of meanings that you can use to give entertaining readings for conventions and other entertainment venues, however, the very nature of the deck itself is pure theatre which gives you your out,. should you wish to disclaim that the readings are for anything but amusement.
Also, the deck and nature of it allows you to use the same cards, curious and wonderful cards which you print up, in any of your favorite bizarre or mentalism card feats. Ah... but when you buy this you get a paradox... You see, it includes NO deck, and yet as many decks as you want? How... Simple. But perhaps first you should watch the introduction.
So, when you purchase this Machine Oracle Deck, you will receive two DVDs. One explains how to do a reading with the deck, and how to use the features within. If you are familiar with the Fidh Lan stick DVD, then you already know the names and the basic meanings of the cards, as we used that as a foundation.
The deck can be read in a fashion similar to Tarot HOWEVER, we also offer a way to do the reading involving casting LEDs onto a framed surface of the cards. So, there are a variety of ways to interact and use this unusual oracle!We will also spend a little time speaking about how you can use these cards in various magickal or mind reading demonstrations to get your creative juices flowing. This really is one of the first times I think anyone has offered something that could so seamlessly marry performance pieces with readings.
So, what about the deck itself? The second DVD contains a series of files in various formats and resolutions. You can easily print this deck out on your own color laser printer (Or take it to your local quick print) on glossy or matte stock as you prefer. If you need duplicates of a card, or extra pieces to create a given gimmick- you can do that now easily and cheaply, without the need to purchase multiple decks. In this project, we wanted to create something that you could begin to use, get lots of value from, and continue to continue to be creative with, without spending more money. If we find that the demand is there, we may have the deck printed formally, but there is no need, as you have everything you need to print as many as you need- for your own use only.
We also are including a pitch book which explains the various cards and meanings which you can use as a giveaway, sale item or the like as you which. Note- The license of this item prohibits you giving away, selling or creating prints of these cards in any format what so ever, for anyone other than yourself. The digital files are licensed with this explicit understanding.
The STORY goes something like this:
"Many of you may be familiar with the old movie Hell House. IN it, one Dr Barrett used a curious machine to exorcize the house of the haunted energy it had been cursed with. What many do NOT know is that this story was based on some truth.
The Ambrose Farm House. The original family that lived there was average enough. The land was not. One by one the children, starting the with youngest, told stories of voices and other children- strange tales and nightmarish things that they were bode to do.
After the oldest child had boiled her own hand until there was nothing left but bone, and later died of the subsequent infection, neighbors began to speak of the insanity within the house, even as the last dirt was placed upon her grave.
The family became reclusive, and when they were finally found, macabre souvenirs were found strewn about the farmhouse.
Years later, unaware of the history, a young couple bought the house, but soon they too were driven mad. In a final effort, they contacted a scientist who claimed he had technology that could cleanse the homestead of whatever darkness possessed it.
He switched on this curious machine and immediately a calm was cast over the house. Dr stark explained that it was only PART machine and part alive. It was in essence a psychic computer, though it would be many years before the term computer would be heard of. Soon after that he Stark died, and the machine remained there in that home, ready to do its work if ever needed.
Over the decades it fell into disrepair, and eventually to pieces, where it became the ward of this institution. We have studied the various components of the machine and found that they are in fact quite miraculous and quite psychic. It is our pleasure to share our findings with you in this... the machine oracle deck."
Ok, SO that is the back story.... You will receive a two DVD set. One is a video explaining how the deck can be used for readings, what files are contained on the second disk and how to use them, License to print as many decks and cards as you want or need to FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE (Not for resale, barter or exchange in any way) suggestions on ways to use the deck with bizarre or mentalist routines, the pitch book which you may customize with your personal information, and more!
The back of the deck has been designed with a subtle one way feature that will allow you to use the deck as a one way pack, and because you can cut and trim the cards at will, you can make short cards, double face cards, and more all as needed for your personal favorites. Also, if you like continuity, you can use the back design with other routines. For instance, if you do the routine from Devil of A Bar And Pub that uses phobia pictures, or The Faces Of Death routine from Michael Diamonds Book Of Shadows, you can print the needed art on the face and have matching card backs. Isn't it nice for a little continuity?
So, you get the DVD and DVD ROM, art work, personal reprint rights, all the variations of the art and sizes, several methods for doing easy to learn readings for ENTERTAINMENT, pitch book and more on one affordable package!
Many of you do mentalism or psychic entertainment and many of those have enjoyed our DVDs on the subject of doing readings as entertainment. As one reviewer pointed out, this is not for everyone and if it is not for you then skip it. On the other hand, if you have always WISHED it were for you, but could not find a method of reading that you were comfortable with, and if you this might be JUST what you are looking for...
The Machine Oracle is basically a work of fabulous fiction. The deck has a history, it has a theory behind it, but it is pure show business. We have woven into the deck an easy to remember set of meanings that you can use to give entertaining readings for conventions and other entertainment venues, however, the very nature of the deck itself is pure theatre which gives you your out,. should you wish to disclaim that the readings are for anything but amusement.
Also, the deck and nature of it allows you to use the same cards, curious and wonderful cards which you print up, in any of your favorite bizarre or mentalism card feats. Ah... but when you buy this you get a paradox... You see, it includes NO deck, and yet as many decks as you want? How... Simple. But perhaps first you should watch the introduction.
So, when you purchase this Machine Oracle Deck, you will receive two DVDs. One explains how to do a reading with the deck, and how to use the features within. If you are familiar with the Fidh Lan stick DVD, then you already know the names and the basic meanings of the cards, as we used that as a foundation.
The deck can be read in a fashion similar to Tarot HOWEVER, we also offer a way to do the reading involving casting LEDs onto a framed surface of the cards. So, there are a variety of ways to interact and use this unusual oracle!We will also spend a little time speaking about how you can use these cards in various magickal or mind reading demonstrations to get your creative juices flowing. This really is one of the first times I think anyone has offered something that could so seamlessly marry performance pieces with readings.
So, what about the deck itself? The second DVD contains a series of files in various formats and resolutions. You can easily print this deck out on your own color laser printer (Or take it to your local quick print) on glossy or matte stock as you prefer. If you need duplicates of a card, or extra pieces to create a given gimmick- you can do that now easily and cheaply, without the need to purchase multiple decks. In this project, we wanted to create something that you could begin to use, get lots of value from, and continue to continue to be creative with, without spending more money. If we find that the demand is there, we may have the deck printed formally, but there is no need, as you have everything you need to print as many as you need- for your own use only.
We also are including a pitch book which explains the various cards and meanings which you can use as a giveaway, sale item or the like as you which. Note- The license of this item prohibits you giving away, selling or creating prints of these cards in any format what so ever, for anyone other than yourself. The digital files are licensed with this explicit understanding.
The STORY goes something like this:
"Many of you may be familiar with the old movie Hell House. IN it, one Dr Barrett used a curious machine to exorcize the house of the haunted energy it had been cursed with. What many do NOT know is that this story was based on some truth.
The Ambrose Farm House. The original family that lived there was average enough. The land was not. One by one the children, starting the with youngest, told stories of voices and other children- strange tales and nightmarish things that they were bode to do.
After the oldest child had boiled her own hand until there was nothing left but bone, and later died of the subsequent infection, neighbors began to speak of the insanity within the house, even as the last dirt was placed upon her grave.
The family became reclusive, and when they were finally found, macabre souvenirs were found strewn about the farmhouse.
Years later, unaware of the history, a young couple bought the house, but soon they too were driven mad. In a final effort, they contacted a scientist who claimed he had technology that could cleanse the homestead of whatever darkness possessed it.
He switched on this curious machine and immediately a calm was cast over the house. Dr stark explained that it was only PART machine and part alive. It was in essence a psychic computer, though it would be many years before the term computer would be heard of. Soon after that he Stark died, and the machine remained there in that home, ready to do its work if ever needed.
Over the decades it fell into disrepair, and eventually to pieces, where it became the ward of this institution. We have studied the various components of the machine and found that they are in fact quite miraculous and quite psychic. It is our pleasure to share our findings with you in this... the machine oracle deck."
Ok, SO that is the back story.... You will receive a two DVD set. One is a video explaining how the deck can be used for readings, what files are contained on the second disk and how to use them, License to print as many decks and cards as you want or need to FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE (Not for resale, barter or exchange in any way) suggestions on ways to use the deck with bizarre or mentalist routines, the pitch book which you may customize with your personal information, and more!
The back of the deck has been designed with a subtle one way feature that will allow you to use the deck as a one way pack, and because you can cut and trim the cards at will, you can make short cards, double face cards, and more all as needed for your personal favorites. Also, if you like continuity, you can use the back design with other routines. For instance, if you do the routine from Devil of A Bar And Pub that uses phobia pictures, or The Faces Of Death routine from Michael Diamonds Book Of Shadows, you can print the needed art on the face and have matching card backs. Isn't it nice for a little continuity?
So, you get the DVD and DVD ROM, art work, personal reprint rights, all the variations of the art and sizes, several methods for doing easy to learn readings for ENTERTAINMENT, pitch book and more on one affordable package!