Predict N' Grab V2 by Artur Santos

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  • Regular price $35.00

PredictNGrab is an ingenious web app that patches Instagram with some extra magical features.
  • Force the spectator's selection (2x)
  • Pull out their selection from your device (PhotoGrab)
PredictNGrab -- it's the most technologically advanced app to force any picture or video on your Instagram profile. Our innovative hands-free forcing method is 100 percent reliable, as it was developed with the professional magician in mind.

When you perform with PredictNGrab, it's under your full control, and the force itself is almost self-working -- so you can focus on your presentation.

It's easily customizable - upload your force pictures directly from your camera roll (this is automatically injected on your grid) or choose it to be one of your own existing Instagram media.

Looking for a kicker ending? We got you! PhotoGrab allows you to cleanly pull out the force picture from your device. Hand out an amazing souvenir that your spectators won't forget.

PredictNGrab works on both iPhone and Android devices. No actual app downloads are needed.

PredictNGrab is not sponsored or endorsed by Instagram.